Igf Lr3 1mg


IGF-I LR3 is a recombinant analog of human IGF-I comprised of the complete IGF-I sequence, with an Arginine substitution for the third position Glutamic acid, and a 13 amino acid length N terminus peptide extension. Specifically engineered for higher biological potency in vitro, IGF-I LR3 has an increased half-life and a binding aversion to native proteins within the body that make it ideal for both research and large-scale culturing.

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IGF-1 LR3 1mg, for research use only, is a synthetic version of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) with an extended half-life due to the substitution of arginine for glutamic acid at the third position. This modification enhances its stability and biological activity, making it ideal for scientific studies. IGF-1 LR3 is commonly used in research to investigate cellular growth, muscle development, and recovery processes. It is supplied as a lyophilized powder and requires reconstitution with bacteriostatic water before experimental use. Intended strictly for in vitro research or laboratory studies; not for human use. Proper handling and safety procedures are essential.


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